Privacy policy

Third parties

In order to host this blog and allow comments on posts, I rely on third party services. The page is hosted using GitHub Pages and comments are powered via Disqus.

What data is collected and why

GitHub acts as a data processer and may collect User Personal Information from visitors of this website, including logs of visitor IP addresses, to comply with legal obligations, and to maintain the security and integrity of the Website and the Service. It also structures this data as anonymous usage statistics, not specific to browsing behaviour or user identity, which I consult in order to choose my hosting plan.
In order to post a comment with Disqus, you have to be logged in on their platform and accept their privacy policy. Disqus acts as a data controller, meaning they are responsible to collect your consent when necessary and honour your civil rights.


If you find anything ambiguous here or have any requests you can always contact me via any channel listed here.
More about the privacy policy of those parties can be found at GitHub, Disqus.

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