Insecure Deserialization
Testing guide
Check for parts of application with serialized data
Look after cookies with exotic encodings (maybe base64).
PHAR deserialization
If the server uses PHP try using phar://
The PHP documentation reveals that PHAR manifest files contain serialized metadata. Crucially, if you perform any filesystem operations on a phar:// stream, this metadata is implicitly deserialized. This means that a phar:// stream can potentially be a vector for exploiting insecure deserialization, provided that you can pass this stream into a filesystem method.
Look for gadget chain exploits for the language of the web app.
They will trigger unintended behavior (RCE) at unserialization time.
There might be a need to create your own exploits for custom gadget chains
This has relevance especially when having source code access.
Attack surface
- Ysoserial - common gadget chain exploiter
- Phpgcc
- Ruby 2.x Universal RCE Gadget Chain
- Generic Java program for serializing objects
Phar deserialization mentioned in the top of creative web hacking techniques 2018